What We've Done
- Books First titles requested by orphanage staff with input from regional librarian.
- Bookshelves Made by local carpenter, three heights for different ages.
- Reading Glasses 600+ pairs and vision screenings for surrounding community, to increase community involvement with library and orphans.
- Wishes Orphanage librarian and director journey to Accra bookseller to select hundreds of books.
What's Next
- Wishes Book requests from orphans and library users from surrounding villages.
- Books Develop collection based on requests, school curriculum, special needs of orphans, input from children's literacy experts.
- Sustainability Income-generating activities for older teen orphans, library services for community.
- Training Expand role of orphanage librarian.
How To Help
- Donate $10 buys 3-4 new requested children's books with delivery to orphanage, $40-$50 buys a locally-made bookshelf, large table, or bench seating. Donate now >
- 1 Minute Quick ways to help at no cost >
- Fundraise Plan an event to pay for a new bookshelf filled with books. Contact us >
- Books We might seek in-kind book donations of specific titles that we cannot obtain in Ghana. To be notified, subscribe to our mailing list >
Get the details. View all our blog posts about our work with AIDS orphans >