Bibliotarian: Good for You and Us
You can now help Book Wish whenever you buy books online, and we'll help you find the lowest prices in return. Just start all your book shopping at, our new fast book price comparison service. Bibliotarian can find you the lowest prices from Amazon, AbeBooks, Alibris,, etc., and we (and, optionally, another charity of your choice) can benefit from the affiliate revenue provided by the bookseller. It's a win-win situation.
Plus, if you create a free account on Bibliotarian, you can recommend books for supporters of your favorite charities (e.g., Ann M. Martin's A Dog's Life for supporters of the Humane Society) or start your own wish list. When friends visit your wish list, they will be able to buy you gifts at the lowest prices and simultaneously help us.
Through August 15, to celebrate the launch of Bibliotarian, we are running a sweepstakes there to give away a free Sony Reader to one lucky winner! Thanks for the donation, Sony.
Bibliotarian currently only works for U.S. shipping addresses, but we will soon add support for other countries. If there are features you would like to see, please let us know.