Submitted by logan on June 24, 2009 - 6:05pm
"Changing the World" is the cover story of the July 2009 issue of Costco Connection. We are honored to be featured in the story alongside Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea!
By sharing our mission with millions of readers, Costco is giving us a huge opportunity to help Darfur refugees through reading. If only a tiny fraction of the Connection readers donate even $5, we can build a 5,000-book library to serve tens of thousands in one of the refugee camps in eastern Chad. It's a thrilling thought.
More generally, Costco is helping in a big way to spread the concept of reading relief, which we believe can improve lives in some of the world's worst crises. We are seeing the impact in Chad, and now Costco's readers can too. Once you appreciate the power of reading, you cannot look at a refugee without hope or feel helpless to act. Read the article!
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