Headway Books Ordered
We are excited to announce that the Book Wish Foundation has just ordered 269 Headway English books for our Chad/Darfur project, using funds donated by the public. Stay tuned as we chronicle their journey to and use in the refugee camps in Chad, where learning English is viewed as a "road to freedom."
The retail cost of buying these books would be nearly $8,000, but, thanks to tremendous discounts and donations from the publisher, Oxford University Press, we were able to acquire them for only a little more than $800. Oxford's generosity allows us to leverage donations we receive many times over, providing an outstanding opportunity for donors to directly impact the lives of refugees from Darfur.
Comprising about 25% of our total Headway goal, this order includes: 30 student's books, 30 workbooks with keys, and 15 teacher's books in the Beginner level; 20 student's books, 20 workbooks with keys, and 15 teacher's books in each of the Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels; 15 student's books, 15 workbooks with keys, and 15 teacher's books in the Intermediate level; and 12 student's books, 12 workbooks with keys, and 15 teacher's books in the Upper Intermediate level. All books are New Headway Third Edition, except for those in the Beginner level, which are New Headway (Third Edition Beginner is not yet available).
These books will allow a quantum leap forward in English education in the camps, which is so highly valued by the refugees, especially as a path to higher education outside the camps. We are honored to be helping the Darfurians achieve their educational dreams, together with our on-the-ground partner CORD. Please join us by donating as little as $5 (enough for a Headway book) or organizing a group to fund a larger part of our remaining Headway needs, such as $350 for the 80 remaining Beginner books, $800 for the remaining 253 workbooks (all levels), or $3,500 for all the remaining books and accompanying audio in all levels.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for corporate donors or anyone who wishes to be especially recognized for a major donation.