Librairie du Liban Publishers Assisting French Literacy Program in Chadian Villages
Librairie du Liban Publishers, based in Lebanon, have provided samples of two of their French-Arabic/Arabic-French dictionaries to help us find the most appropriate material for French literacy classes in villages in eastern Chad. The Al-Kamel de Poche and Mini Al-Kamel bilingual dictionaries, both by Dr. Youssof M. Reda, will be sent to Chad in our next shipment. Literacy teachers on the ground will then be able to assess their usefulness for that specific population.
Thank you Librairie du Liban for showing your support for the Chadian villagers. Living in the vicinity of major Darfur refugee camps, their lives and resources have been significantly stressed by the conflict in Darfur, and yet they have not been the focus of much international aid. Book Wish Foundation will soon be announcing an expansion of our support for reading relief in the villages.
If you would like to help the Chadian communities hosting refugees from Darfur, please consider making a donation earmarked for dictionaries. To receive updates about our reading relief program in the villages, please subscribe to our mailing list.
Librairie du Liban publishes hundreds of monolingual and multilingual dictionaries, including many specialized subject dictionaries, as well as a wide range of other books, such as children's series, cookbooks, and encyclopedias. For more information and to order online, please visit www.ldlp.com.