More Darfur Refugees Studying English
Exciting news from the refugee camps about the impact of our first shipment of Headway English language learning material. Despite the large amount of work to be accomplished in the fields during the summer rainy season, the refugees have chosen to continue their English studies through the summer school break! The Education Program Manager for our on-the-ground partner CORD, Anne Goddard, reports:
"We have visited the camps to see what is happening now that the summer vacation is well and truly under way. You will be very pleased to know that Bredjing camp has two schools that are teaching English daily with around 800 participants. This is the programme that you have supported with the Headway books. They meet in the morning from 6-8am and in the evening from 4-5.30pm. You can be encouraged that your donations are benefiting many people and that their enthusiasm is continuing throughout the summer."
800 refugees studying English in Bredjing is double what the number was when we began fundraising to buy the Headway books.
In Treguine Camp, another recipient of the English learning material, Anne writes that 300 Darfuris meet daily for English classes. "Treguine has quite a large programme running in the evening, but often through studies in people's homes ― up to 30 participants at a time." If you saw what passes for a home in the camps, you would find this statement all the more amazing. The primitive conditions would be an insurmountable obstacle for many, but here the determination to learn is triumphing.
The books have also been distributed to the third refugee camp we are helping in eastern Chad, Gaga. Felicien, education manager in Gaga Camp, is "delighted and says that it will encourage the people no end."
We hope this news will also encourage you that it is possible to make a significant difference in the lives of people from Darfur. Donate to help us buy more Headway books, and you will be giving more refugees the tools they desire to learn English, their "road to freedom." With an 85% off discount from the publisher, Oxford University Press, every five dollars you donate can purchase at least one new book.