Washington, D.C. Talk About Darfur
If you are in the Washington, D.C. area, this is a great opportunity to hear firsthand about aid work in Darfur refugee camps, especially educational and reading-related aid that can help rebuild lives.
On Monday, January 12, 2009, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM, at the Library of Congress, our partner CORD's CEO, Brian Wakley, will be speaking about "WAGING PEACE: building new life after conflict for the victims of Darfur." CORD, a British charity, is an implementing partner of UNHCR running education programs for 32,000 refugees from Darfur in four refugee camps in eastern Chad. This is a rare opportunity, because Mr. Wakley happens to be visiting the U.S. from England.
The talk will be held in the African and Middle Eastern Reading Room (Room LJ 220) on the second floor of the Library of Congress' Thomas Jefferson Building on First and Independence, about one block from the Capitol South Metro (Orange and Blue lines).
Attendance is open to the public and free.
If you are interested in Darfur, refugees, education, literacy, books, ESL, Africa, genocide, or humanitarian aid work, you are encouraged to attend.
Update: Brian Wakley's presentation was videotaped and will soon be viewable online. If you want to know what it is like to be a refugee who has fled Darfur to Chad, or how a humanitarian organization establishes education programs in a refugee camp, we highly encourage you to watch the video.