Two New Ways to Help, No $ Required
There are two new ways you can help Book Wish Foundation support reading in the Bredjing, Treguine, and Gaga refugee camps in eastern Chad. You don't even have to spend a dollar.
We are now a certified member of eBay Giving Works, a program that has generated more than $150 million for charities through eBay auctions. This means that, when we sell items on eBay, we can keep 100% of the proceeds (no eBay fees). So, the first way you can help is to donate exciting items we can auction and turn into funding for the Darfur refugees.
U.S. taxpayers can claim a tax deduction, since we're a 501(c)(3). If you have an item you'd like to donate, please contact us. Be creative. Have extra tickets for an event? Know a celebrity who can autograph something? Can your business offer a special gift certificate? We'll acknowledge your generosity on the auction page, giving you or your business some publicity. Depending on how noteworthy your donation is, we may pursue other publicity, as well (e.g., if, like Warren Buffet, you can donate a lunch reservation worth $2.1 million, the pre-auction publicity will be quite substantial).
Being an eBay Giving Works member also means that any eBay seller can designate a part (generally, 10%-100%) of an item's sale to be donated to us, at listing time. In return, eBay will credit your Insertion and Final Value fees by the same percentage you donate to us. You can claim a tax deduction for your donation, and you may sell your item for a higher price, since eBay will put a charity ribbon icon on your auction, which it claims tends to increase the number of bidders and final sale price. So, if you are already an eBay seller, the second way you can help is to choose Book Wish Foundation to receive a part of your sales. For details, click the Sell tab on our eBay Giving Works page. Please note that no matter what percentage you choose to donate to us, eBay will require that you donate a minimum of $5 from the sale, so you probably only want to do this if you expect the item's final sale price to be significantly greater than $5.
If you have any questions about how this works, let us know. Please spread the word to other eBay sellers!