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- Twitter Click here to follow @bookwish > Or, automatically share one of our tweets each day, by signing up once on our JustCoz page. We need your help to share our news with book lovers.
- Facebook Also, be sure to like us on Facebook > Help us form a community of socially-minded book lovers.
- GoodSearch You can generate funds for our work just by searching the Internet! Grab our GoodSearch toolbar >
- Game Developer Are you an iPhone or Android game developer? We're seeking a programmer to join a team making a simple game to help raise funds for our work. Please contact us >
- 2D Digital Artist Create the icon and 2D elements of our upcoming iPhone/Android game. Send a link to your portfolio >
- Music Create music and sounds for our upcoming iPhone/Android game. Send us samples of your work >
- Facebook We're looking for a social media guru to grow our presence on Facebook. If you're interested and have managed a non-profit, cause-related, or literary page with at least 5,000 fans, contact us >
1 hour
- Email Email your friends about our new book, What You Wish For. Every sale you encourage will help us build libraries for Darfuri refugees. Share this link: bookwish.org/what-you-wish-for.
- eBay Sell something on eBay to benefit us > One person has launched over 100 auctions with part or all of the proceeds supporting our work.
1 day
- T-Shirt Art Design a shirt for our online shop. Please first send a link to your portfolio, if you're interested >
- YouTube Make a creative YouTube video that's somehow related to books or refugees, and mention us or our new book, What You Wish For. Need inspiration? Watch this video from John Green of the Vlogbrothers (and a contributor to What You Wish For).
- Fundraise Get a few friends to plan an event to fund a bookshelf full of books for AIDS orphans or part of a refugee camp library. Subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when we launch new tools to support fundraisers.