For Eyes Optical Donates Reading Glasses for Darfur
For Eyes Optical, a retail optical company with over 140 stores in the United States, has responded in a big way to our call for reading glasses for Darfur refugees and villagers in eastern Chad. Reading glasses are a critical component of our reading relief package, enabling more people to derive educational, occupational, and mental health benefits from the books we provide. How many more? At least 100, thanks to For Eyes' donation of 100 pairs of reading glasses!
That's 100 people in terrible need who will have a better chance at life, thanks to the generosity of For Eyes Optical. 100 people who will literally be able to see a way to the future.
Equally impressive as the quantity of its donation is the speed with which For Eyes responded. Within two days of sending our request, we received a large box in the mail. We had a great feeling about For Eyes from the start and they really delivered. 100 pairs of Pierre Cardin and Perry Ellis readers, all with cases and looking brand new, in a rainbow of colors and styles the refugees (who always seem to wear bright clothing) will surely appreciate.
Thank you, For Eyes Optical!
This is also the first corporate donation of reading glasses we have received, setting an example we hope other optical companies will follow. If you are inspired by For Eyes' commitment to vision care, and want to directly help Darfur refugees and the Chadian villagers who host them, please send us whatever new or used reading glasses you can spare. Every pair can change someone's life.