Eco-Friendly Eyewear Company Donates Reading Glasses
We just received our third corporate donation of reading glasses, and it's from a very unusual eyewear company. Equation, LLC refurbishes recycled eyewear to like new conditions, in order to provide affordable eyewear to the world while helping the environment.
Equation's CEO Vin Singh responded immediately to our request for reading glasses for our Chad/Darfur project, sending us two large boxes containing 169 pairs of reading glasses, plus some sunglasses and normal eyeglasses (which we will find a good home for, since they aren't a part of our reading relief project). A few of the reading glasses are actually reading sunglasses, which could be very useful in Chad, and a few are bifocals. There is a great variety of brands and styles, both men's and women's, because of the unusual way Equation operates.
Thank you, Equation!
Not everyone has access to 169 pairs of reading glasses, but surely you or someone you know has at least one unused pair at home. Every pair can transform a life, so please send whatever (undamaged) reading glasses you have! This is a way to directly help refugees from Darfur and the impoverished villagers of eastern Chad, who host the refugees in their communities. Mailing instructions for donating reading glasses can be found here.